Location210 Charlton Rd, Sturbridge, MA 01566Call For Estimate(508) 347-2444Emaildispatch@cruisecontroltowing.com Slide OneVehicle Release(508) 347-2444 Slide OneVehicle Release(508) 347-2444 Vehicle Consensual Storage & Ancillary Services Authorization Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Vehicle Owner(Required) Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email(Required) Phone(Required)Year(Required)Make(Required) Model(Required) Plate Number(Required) VIN(Required) Insurance Carrier(Required) Claim Number(Required) Vehicle Storage LocationCruise Control Invoice Number: Invoice#:(Required) Consensual Storage Rate $85.00 per 24-hour period. Tow to public Access Fee $108.00(Required) I agreeI authorize Cruise Control Transportation Inc. DBA Cruise Control Towing & Recovery, to consensually store my vehicle at the above rate from the date and time of the execution of this form. I also authorize the tow to public access fee if the service is required. Under MGL, 255 39A, if the registered owner or persons in control of the motor vehicle consents to the continued consensual storage of such motor vehicle, Cruise Control Transportation Inc. shall have lien thereon as provided in MGL 255 25. If the registered owner or person in control of this vehicle fails to sign the authorization form the vehicle shall continue to be stored at eh prevailing rates under MGL 255 39A.Registered Owner(Required) First Last CAPTCHA